
You have the power to protect your baby from dangerous illnesses like measles, tetanus and hepatitis. Immunization is the process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to a disease which is infectious. Vaccines when administered, stimulates the body’s immune system to fight against microorganisms that cause diseases. This protects the person against subsequent infection. Doctors and other public health experts have worked hard to come up with the optimal vaccination schedule that provides complete protection against infectious diseases such as Tuberculosis, Tetanus, Diphtheria, Measles, Typhoid, Hepatitis A and B, Chicken pox etc. If these vaccines are skipped or delayed, they lead to an increased chance of you being vulnerable to these diseases, thus it is advisable to be given at the right time as advised by your doctor.

Vaccination in India is carried out under the Universal Immunization Programme which is run by the government, these are the necessary vaccines required to be given to all children. The Indian Academy of Pediatrics also has its own schedule containing additional vaccines which can be given after discussion with the doctor. IAP Immunization schedules are modified every few years so that newer vaccinations can be added.

Age Vaccines
At Birth BCG + OPV (zerodose) +HepB1
6 weeks IPV1 + DPT1* + Hib1 + HepB2 + PCV1 + Rotavirus1
10 weeks IPV2 + DPT2* + Hib2 + PCV2 + Rotavirus2
14 weeks IPV3 + DPT3* + Hib3 + Rotavirus3#
6 months OPV1 + HepB3 + IV
7 months IV
9 months OPV2 + MMR1
1 year HepA1 + Dental Checkup
15 - 18 months Chiken pox + MMR + PCV + IPV1 + DPT1 + Hib1
18 months HepA2
2 years TV + Dental Checkup + Eye Checkup
3 years Preventive Dental Treatment
5 years OP3 + DPT2 + CPV2
5 - 6 years TV + Dental Checkup + Eye Checkup
8 - 9 years TV
10 years TDPV
10 years Female HPV

A Pediatric Super Speciality Hospital